We had the honor to welcome our esteemed guest, the first Turkish astronaut, Alper Gerezavcı for a great conversation with our distinguished guests.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Mahmut Asmalı, President of MUSIAD, Mr. Davut Altunbaş, Vice President of MUSIAD, Mr. Yavuz Orta, President of MUSIAD USA, Mr. Ahmet Akıntı, Consul General of Turkey in Houston, Mr. Yavuzhan Erdem, Commercial Attaché, and Mr. Ali Kılıçlıoğlu, Education Attaché, for their contributions to this event, which we organized in a very short time frame under the name MUSIAD TEXAS.
We also extend our thanks to the MUSIAD TEXAS board of directors and social media team for their support in making this magnificent organization possible.
Additionally, we thank each and every one of our members, students, and their families for their participation.
With warm regards and respect.